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Sunday, May 15, 2011

New iPad Is Selling Like Hotcakes

New iPad Is Selling Like Hotcakes Image
The new iPad is selling like hotcakes. "Photo: Ariel Zambelich/Wired"

Haters are always gonna hate, but Apple's iPad sales will still put critics to shame.

Apple has sold 3 million new iPads since the device's Friday release, the company said in a statement on Monday. This makes the debut Apple's "strongest iPad launch yet," according to Apple VP of Marketing Phil Schiller.

As with many of Apple's new device launches over the past three years, the new iPad was more of an incremental iteration than a complete product overhaul, with the emphasis on an improved display, faster wireless connectivity and small bumps in processing power and RAM. So as Apple unveiled the product two weeks ago, the naysayers immediately chimed in, claiming Apple's next-gen device would "fail to surprise" consumers.

It's a similar story to what we saw with the October 2011 release of the iPhone 4S, which drew criticism for being a minor update rather than a major device overhaul. Nonetheless, Apple managed to sell one million 4S devices in just 24 hours.

As for the new iPad, Apple's enjoying a similar trajectory of success. The company sold three times as many iPad units as its predecessor, the iPad 2, and 10 times as many units as the original iPad did on its first day on sale.

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