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Friday, December 18, 2009

iPod Kit Offers Listening Options That Are Not Available On Radio

iPod Kit Offers Listening Options That Are Not Available On Radio Cover Some people who own iPods might not see the point in purchasing an iPod car kit. If they usually listen to CDs, or are satisfied with the radio in their car, there may be no perceptible reason to upgrade. However, the iPod car kit allows you to use all of your iPod's capabilities on-the-go, so you are not limited to radio programming, or CDs. Regardless of the channel, all radio programming is essentially the same: a mixture of music, news, DJ interjections, and of course, commercials. Listening to the radio can be fun, but all the interruptions can quickly become annoying. Not to mention that, no matter what channel you choose, sooner or later they will play a song that you don't like, or that is overplayed, and you'll be forced to switch. Also, most stations change their programming at certain times (such as Saturday evenings, etc.) and you can't hear the music they would normally play. With CDs, the commercials and DJs aren't a problem, but you can only listen to a maximum of 10-20 songs before the disc starts over. Once the disc has played through once, most people will pull down their visor, or open their glove box, to go through the disc collection they've brought along and find a new one. Not only is this dangerous, but it's inconvenient. Also, very few people actually bring their ENTIRE collection of CDs with them; usually they only bring their favorites, and if they want to hear something that they don't have with them, that's too bad. An iPod car kit solves all of these problems. There is no disc-switching, just a button click if you finish an album. There are no commercials, DJs, or any other interruptions. You will never have to change a channel; just skip to the next song. Also, you'll never have to worry about wanting to hear songs that are on a disc you haven't brought along; you'll have your entire library with you at all times. Pick and choose, set to random or select a track and let the music play, after all you did load the music you love on it! Dension products are available from numerous Online iPod Car Kit Stores.


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