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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Popping Popcorn With Cell Phones

Popping Popcorn With Cell Phones Cover It’ amazing how many qualities cell phones have...They are able to do so many things! Their options allow you to find other people, work as a GPS, they permit internet aces...Even making popcorn, some say! Everybody has heard about this, but maybe not all were tempted to try to see with their own eyes...This is so not true.J Although u might have seen clips or videos on Youtube or any other sites or maybe you heard there are people that say it’s true, I can say it’s not. I tried to do that, in one weekend out with my friends. We were curious, because we each heard different stories about cell phones and popping popcorn. So...we arranged the cell phones ( 5 or 6 pieces) in a circle and stood each of us with another cell phone in our hand to call one of the numbers that was on the table. Some corn was in the middle, and we all laughed that we won’t cook any more if this would work. So....we all get ready, and tried to call in the same time. It did not work the first time, it was difficult for us to synchronize our calls. Finally, we managed to call all in the same time and waited curiously to see what happens...and we waited....we waited....but nothing. We tried to do that again, with even more cell phones. Again, no result. We taught there was too much corn, than we decided to go inside, because it might work in there...Nothing happened again. So...I am tempted to think this is not possible. I saw clips that demonstrate the contraire, but I think the self experience is what I should trust in. I don’t think that the radiations that cell phones might emit are that strong to be able to manage to pop popcorn. This might be something invented for fun or maybe, who knows, for making people try some stupid things... The clips I have seen are fake, this is just a story for some to full their free time with. For those who did not know, cell phones have some components used by the fabrication of the microwaves. So, it’s true they emit some radiations, but way much smaller than a microwave that makes our popcorn. So, popping popcorn with the cell phone is impossible. So, if you want to eat popcorn right now, do not search for your phone, just do what you know it’s best, use traditional methods or, much easier, go buy some. Cell phones are not that advanced. Use you phone to do usual and general stuff and do not trust he will cook for us, although this may happen sometime in the future...


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