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Friday, April 16, 2010

Growing Number Of Drivers Using The Phone Illegally

Growing Number Of Drivers Using The Phone Illegally Cover If you are unsure of what Bluetooth car kits are you probably will be soon. Penalties are getting much stronger for using a mobile phone when driving, in fact the punishment has doubled in the previous few years. The point of which is to impose a greater awareness and the consequences of doing so. If you are caught using your phone or another hand held device you run the risk of incurring a 6 point penalty and $90 fine, which is more than a slap on the wrists for most people. However this is very lenient compared to the burden weighing on thousands of people's shoulders who have to live with the knowledge they caused an accident and harmed another person or family carelessly & needlessly. What type of person knowingly puts another persons life at risk? Well the answer is most of us. Most of the road users in the UK knowingly and openly use their mobile phone illegally when driving. In fact after reading this article, make a mental note of how many you see doing so the next time you drive. I'd be very surprised if its less than 10 every half an hour driving. If were all honest with ourselves we'll probably admit doing it too, the fact is its too easy & tempting to to just pick it up and chat for a few seconds. What harm can that do? We all have driving experience and can multi-task right? Wrong. Its a combination of factors that make it dangerous including reducing the physical contact with the car operating controls. The point is that the majority of accidents where a mobile phone is the cause are avoidable, simply by not answering or making the call, however if it is a necessity the use of bluetooth car kits offer a much greater and safer and more convenient option regardless of what kit you are using. The worst bluetooth kit on the market is still safer than not using one. This is why a lot of vehicle manufacturers are adding bluetooth as an option when purchasing the vehicle, I know Ford are offering it as a free upgrade at this point in time (in the UK). Possibly more as a selling tool rather than a moral decision, however the option is still there. So do us all a favour, either use bluetooth car kits when you drive or don't use your phone. Can you live with somebodies death on your conscience? I know I couldn't.


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