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Monday, June 21, 2010

Apple Has Announced iPhone

Apple Has Announced iPhone Image
As we all know Apple has Announced iphone 4s Instead of iphone 5 and Now Every One Try to attract More and More Customers to their network, Sprint USA based Career has announced that they are Offering Unlimited Data Plans for their Customers.

Now AllThingsD Has Conformed this News that Sprit is Offering unlimited data plans to iPhone 4S customers to compete with AT&T and Verizon.

AllThingsD reports:

"We will be offering the benefit of our unlimited plans that start at just 69.99," said spokeswoman Michelle Leff Mermelstein. Sprint's 69.99 plan includes unlimited data and 450 voice minutes as well as unlimited mobile-to-mobile calling. Unlimited calling and data costs 99 a month.

Sprint is 3rd Largest Carrier Network in USA who is Offering iphone 4S with Unlimited Data Plans,The fact that both AT&T and Verizon have larger consumer bases than Sprint may contribute to the unavailability of unlimited data plan, it remains to be seen whether Sprint will be able to keep offering an unlimited data plan for iPhone 4S once it too gains a huge amount of new subscribers that join its network particularly for iPhone 4S and its unlimited data plan.

Sprint spokeswoman Michelle Leff Mermelstein said:

We will be offering the benefit of our unlimited plans that start at just 69.99... We have every confidence in the ability of our 3G network to handle the influx of devices we expect to get. It certainly hasn't been an issue to date

Stay Tunes with us for More Details, We will update you with more information about iphone 4S.

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