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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Soundclip For iPhone A Niftly Little External Sound Enhancer For iPhone 3g

Soundclip For iPhone A Niftly Little External Sound Enhancer For iPhone 3g Cover Whether you are someone who uses the external sound through the built in speaker of your iPhone 3G for handsfree purposes when driving, or just want to listen to the music on your iPhone at a low volume in the park on a nice sunny day, Soundclip for iPhone 3G from TenOne Design is a nifty little accessory that enhances the sound coming from your iPhone. The built in speaker in the iPhone 3G is not half bad, but once the volume gets a bit high, say while driving and using the functionality as handsfree, as we do not want to break the law, the sound can often become less clear and distorted. This is where the Soundclip for iPhone 3G from TenOne Design comes into play. SoundClip easily clips onto the 30 pin dock connector of your iPhone 3G and immediately amplifies the external sound from your iPhone by 10dB between 5kH and 20kHz. If you enjoy playing games on your iPhone 3G you will be glad to know that the SoundClip does not get blocked by your hand while playing. The only downside to this nifly little iPhone gadget is that you have to detach it to be able to charge your iPhone, and it is not compatible with the extended batteries for the iPhone 3G. The price however makes the SoundClip a very affordable gadget for your iPhone 3G, as it is priced at about $7.95 (c.?5). We will get back with more information about where to buy the SoundClip in the UK. In the US it can be bought through TenOne Design website.


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