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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Apple Inc How To Make Good Use Of The Ios 5

Apple Inc How To Make Good Use Of The Ios 5 Image
Apple just does not know how to disappoint its millions of consumers all over the world. They always have wonderful products out and they never fail to address the dissatisfaction of their consumers with each new release of series or generation of smart phones. The iPhones 4 and 4s were and still are the phone to have as far as many iPhone lovers are concerned. They latter most especially has so many features that iPhone lovers around the world have been longing to have on their smart phones. Some of these features include an amazingly sharp and precise eight megapixel camera, double antennae and the all wonderful personal assistant Siri. Honestly no one should ask for more with all this on their phone but consumers seem to have a never ending for features just as Apple seems to have a never dwindling capacity to measure up.

Apple introduced the best OS that has ever been produced and the best partis that it comes absolutely free of charge. It is an OS that allows the consumer to do so many other things with their phone that cannot be done with just the phone alone. Perhaps one would wonder how hard it is to get the download to their phone and use it efficiently. It is actually very easy and requires no knowledge of software and applications. Anyone can do it as long as they can download it to their iPhone. Siri, the most coveted application on the iPhone 4s and exclusive only to the same is one that other smartphone users would love to have. It takes the smartphone experience to a whole new level. The iOS 5 download feature actually allows other iPhone users to enjoy what they would like the most; Siri. To be more precise, it is compatible with the iPhone 3GS, the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, ipad, ipad 2 and the 3rd and 4th generation iPod touch players.

With this feature these devices are made much more functional and convenient for the user. iOS 5 letsthe user make their phone more user friendly by allowing them to create shortcuts for words that may be constantly misspelt or mistyped for instance. The shortcuts provide options each time the word typed in is relevant toit. This feature also allows the user to assign specific vibrations to specific users when they need to keep their phones on silent mode during a meeting or conference. With this provision, one can always excuse themselves and receive the call elsewhere without causing any kind of distraction. A little mischief with friends and family members is also possible with the iOS 5. By creating shortcuts to bizarre and unexpected words, one can spook out their friends quite sufficiently.

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