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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Building Apple Stores

Building Apple Stores Image
A recent study by Flurry Analytics shows that China the fastest-growing market for iOS and Android app activity; between Q1 2011 and Q1 2012, app sessions have increased 1126%. Yowza. On top of that, Flurry has calculated that new activations of iOS and Android devices in China has now surpassed the U.S. They project that China will activated 24% of all Android and iOS, which is a stark contrast to 8% at the same time last year, and a smidgen ahead of the 21% activation rate in America. While the U.S. still boasts the most app activity, its lead is shrinking; last year, America accounted for 56% of iOS and Android app sessions, but now account for only 46%. Collectively, China, UK, South Korea, France, Australia, Canada, Japan, Germany and Spain now account for 30% of app activity, and the rest of the world takes up 24%.

Apple has called China an "extremely important" market in their quarterly conference calls for a while now, placing it ahead of Brazil and Russia as an area of focus. Tim Cook has said the demand for Apple products in China is "staggering" and "off the charts". Apple has also been investing heavily in building Apple Stores in China and getting devices into the country and onto the market.

While this bodes well for the progress of iPhone and iPad in China, I would be really curious to see the breakdown between Android and iOS for these figures. In an absolute sense, the U.S. still spends the most time with apps, but I'm not sure that will be the case in a year's time, especially as cost-conscious Android handsets continue to proliferate.

Source: Flurry


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