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Saturday, November 12, 2011

I Buy An iPhone To Get iOS

I Buy An iPhone To Get iOS Image
Why would Apple ever prioritize over "When HAS Apple prioritized market share over profits? And how did that turn out? (Hint - cloning; almost put Apple out of business, before Jobs came back and refocused the company on wait for it profitable activities.)

I'm sure Apple is capable of producing a feature-phone that maybe looked like an iPhone, but it wouldn't "an iPhone if it didn't support all/most of the features of iOS. It would be the equivalent of the new iPod nano Looks like iOS, but isn't; removes features that people think of when they think of iPod nano. It's not clear to me why they build it other than "because we could" -- or who is buying it.

Would a smaller iPhone be neat? Sure. Would I want one? Eh, not if I lost capabilities just to get a smaller device. I buy an iPhone to get iOS, apps, GPS, FaceTime, the "real browser" experience, etc. etc. Not because it has a shiny Apple on the back.

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