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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bluetooth Car Kits Improve Driver And Passenger Safety

Bluetooth Car Kits Improve Driver And Passenger Safety Cover Research into the use of hand held devices while driving is well documented. Whether the item be an iPod, stereo, mobile phone or applying make-up you are found to be much more likely to be involved in an accident if you are using or doing one of them while at the wheel of a vehicle. You would think is common sense not to mess around with something for a period of time while in control of a machine with potential of killing or injuring people, however the vast majority of us do it, and do it regularly. Its surprising what people actually think is safe to do while driving, Not long back I passed an older gentleman reading a book while driving down the motorway!! Unfortunately there isn't a solution for improving the stupidity of other road users like the old gentleman, however there will more than likely be a solution for improving your safety if you wanted to use a mobile device's functions. There are numerous gadgets to allow the connection of your mobile phone to your vehicle, each type offering different functions and features. Generally speaking the more you spend the better system you get. Handsfree Bluetooth car kits come in two forms. An integrated kit that connects into the vehicles stereo system, auto muting the music and offering numerous other features. Or a universal kits that either connect to the sun visor, dashboard or directly into your ear. The hard wired kits offer better quality functions than the universal kits. The auto-mute function is very handy, Its surprisingly inconvenient to reduce the volume on the stereo every time you answer a call. Other features can include text navigation to save you manually routing through menu structures, iPod or MP3 connectivity, steering wheel controls, Text to speech TEXT message service reading incoming Text messages when required and Voice Dial. Universal Kits usually offer a basic handsfree service, Answer and hang up calls and sometimes phone book compatibility. However the main advantage of having a universal kit in your car is that it is removal allowing you add to any vehicle you may drive. This is especially useful if you have a family of drivers. Weighing up the advantages and disadvantages for each type is something you must do before purchasing. There will be a kit to suit your specific needs, whichever handsfree car kit you choose will make your phone call a safer experience for you and other road users. A Bluetooth Car Kit is a device that provides a safe and convenient way to communicate whilst driving. Your Phone can connect to the Car Bluetooth and ensure you and other road users remain safe.


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