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Thursday, January 7, 2010

iPhone 5g Coming Soon

iPhone 5g Coming Soon Cover
Since I started following the iPhone daily buzz I am constantly reminded by how passionate and devout the community covering the device can be. So devout that the moment someone predicts the future of an unreleased iPhone, the rest of the bloggers rush to validate the claim. CNET reports that an analyst from Rodman and Renshaw claims that Apple’s next generation phone will offer up support for both 3G technology and the futuristic LTE (Long Term Evolution) platform which is being touted as “4G” technology. Ashok Kumar said the following about the switch: iPhone 5 Controversial Features: Everyone has their list of must have features for the iPhone 5, but a lot of them are of the obvious variety. Things like more storage space, a better camera, and more RAM. Boring! Apple has always been a company that pushes the envelope, so it makes sense that the iPhone 5 could be a device that Apple is willing to take a gamble on. If you don’t adapt well to change, you just might want to take a deep breath before reading this… 1. Built-in wireless syncing capabilities This one’s really a no brainer, and is already unofficially implemented by means of the wonderful jailbreak app, Wi-Fi Sync. With a good majority of homes adopting higher speed Wireless-N routers, wireless syncing is now a viable alternative to traditional methods. If a user doesn’t already have 802.11n capabilities, Apple could always sell them an awesome, albeit overpriced, Airport Extreme. Win, win. 2. Inductive charging a la Palm Pre Instead of those lame products that require you to put your iPhone in some hideous looking case in order to charge it on a charging pad, why not just make inductive charging a part of the iPhone 5? Palm already did it with the Pre, and Apple’s obviously not too scared to make radical design changes to their product, as evident with the iPhone 4. 3. Built in SIM Card We just reported on this possibility last week, and it makes sense. Take the hassle out of outdated and unsecure SIM card technology, and simply make it a built in function. It’d be one less thing for consumers to worry about, and would ensure that every iPhone is the same, through and through. 4. Bluetooth headphones included The possibility of this is music to our ears, both figuratively and literally. Apple’s not shy when it comes to their love for Bluetooth technology, as virtually all of their products have it, from the iMac, down to the iPod touch. Why not take the next logical step? Include a relatively inexpensive pair of Bluetooth headphones with every new iPhone purchase, and lets make this great technology something that more customers are willing (note: forced) to adopt. 5. No SIM Card Slot, no 30-pin connector, and last but not least, no headphone jack Did you start to catch my drift as the list went on? Indeed, all of the aforementioned modifications allow for some very big changes to the iPhone hardware itself, namely the removal of every port on the device. Yep, that’s right, no open interface ports whatsoever. Switching suppliers for something as critical as a baseband (3G/4G) modem is a very complex and time-consuming task,” Kumar said in an interview. But once the switch is made, a commitment is typically long term. Kumar follows the tune of a report we brought you earlier this month about Apple switching to Qualcomm for their baseband chip needs. Currently Apple gets their chips from Infineon, who was recently purchased by Intel.

Tags: first dension 500  bluetooth stereo  dc315 iphone docking  concept iphone  another your  kensington amplified  cell phone  cell phones  


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