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Friday, June 17, 2011

The Original iPhone Came Out

The Original iPhone Came Out Image
Ever since the original iPhone came out, the smartphone's battery has always been the subject of a debate, and even a few lawsuits since the phone's introduction back in June 2007. Anyway, taking into consideration that the battery of the iPhone, regardless of its generation, is not easily replaceable and also due to the reason that lithium-ion batteries sooner or later degrade, it is crucial that you the most out of the battery of your smartphone while it lasts.

Apple has said on numerous occasions that after no less than 400 recharge cycles, the battery will still be able to retain 80% of its original power, but real life tests have shown that Apple has always been optimistic when it came down to the longevity of the iPhone's battery.

The main aspect that you should keep in mind when you are trying to maximize the battery life of your iPhone is that the less you use the phone, the longer the life of the battery will be. As a consequence, if you are one of those users that constantly check their e-mails, surfs the Internet, listens to music and makes calls, the battery of your phone will be depleted much faster. In addition, keep in mind that there are several background processes which will drain the battery faster. Some examples of such processes include keyboard clicks, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. You have to think about whether you really must have the Bluetooth and/or Wi-Fi on at all times. If the answer to this question is no, then make sure that you turn these off in order to preserve precious juice and only turn these features on when you really need them.

In the following paragraphs, we will offer some tips that you should take into consideration for improving the battery life of your iPhone, but even so you probably won't be able to extend it to the 250 hours of standby time claimed by Apple. What you will probably get is about a 20-25% improvement in the life of the battery which isn't half bad. The first tip that we would like to offer is to change the e-mail autochecking from every 15 hours to at least one hour, unless you are an extremely busy person and you get a lot of e-mails very frequently. In order to do this, you must go to Settings and click on Mail. Now you have to click on Auto Check and then select the interval that you desire, or you might want to turn off the e-mail auto checking feature to preserve battery even further. Another tip that we can give you concerns the Wi-Fi connection. As we said before, if you do not need a constant Wi-Fi connection, you should turn it off as Wi-Fi really drains a lot of the iPhone's battery. Wi-Fi should be on only when you really need it. For turning it off you have to go to Settings and then click on Wi-Fi, and after that tap the Off button.

One last tip that we can give you in this first part of the article is about turning off Bluetooth when you do not need it. To do this you'll have to go into the Settings menu, click on General, Select Bluetooth and after that select Off. Join us for the second part of the article where we share other tips.

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