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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Apple Not Planning To Recall Iphone 4 In Today Conference

Apple Not Planning To Recall Iphone 4 In Today Conference Cover Today Apple has scheduled a conference in regard to iPhone 4 antenna reception issue. The conference will start at 10 AM and the company will address the reception issue that is being faced in iPhone 4 since last month. The issue is quite major as when the iPhone 4 is held in a particular way, the signal goes down and call drops. The problem was detected as a hardware flaw in the handset and it was anticipated that Apple will recall all iPhone 4 units to resolve the issue. However, it is being reported that Apple is not planning to recall iPhone 4 to resolve the issue. The Wall Street Journal states about the conference: “Apple doesn’t plan to recall the phone, a person familiar with the matter said.” The news has also arrived that Apple engineers were aware of the risks with the antenna issue and it was reported to Steve Jobs at the designing phase. However, Apple spokesman Steve Dowling has denied for the information to be true. There are many rumors and guesses going around on what action Apple will be taking to address the issue. There are still no comments from Apple regarding the conference. For the real picture we have to wait for the conference to start. But the expectations are quite high from Steve Jobs and Apple as they always comes up with the best. We will keep you updated about the conference. Stay tuned!


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