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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Driving With Cell Phones

Driving With Cell Phones Cover Lately, more and more people die in car accidents. There isn’t a day when a person dies because he isn’t careful enough while he is driving. The number of car accidents is alarming. The reasons of these car accidents are numerous and one of them is because they speak on the cell phone while they are driving. More and more people speak on the cell phone while they are driving and this is even more dangerous than driving while you are drunk. Most of the people are aware it is very risky to speak on the cell phones while they are driving but they still do this. People know how dangerous it is speaking on the cell phone while they are driving but when they see that someone is calling them, the temptation of answering to the cell phone is too big so they answer. Nowadays, one has the option of using a Hands Free, but this solution can solve the concentration problem. Their attention is divided between the road and what the person who just called you tells them on the phone. If you want to speak on the phone while you are driving there’s the option of installing the road safety system. What is this road safety system? Well, this system blocks all the calls every time you drive with more than 90km/h and the person who calls you receives a message that you are driving. In the moment when the car is stopped, the driver can contact the person who has just called them. The first 5 minutes of the conversation are free. If one installs this process it can prolong or even save his life. If you are one of those who speak while they are driving you should watch the news and see how many people die daily. You’ll be shocked. Years ago, there was implemented a new law which used and still forbids speaking on the cell phone while driving. I consider it the best idea ever. One can still speak on cell phones as long as they use Hands Free. The driver’s reactions are weaker while they are speaking on cell phones than when they don’t speak and they normally drive their cars. Millions of people receive penalties every day because they speak on the cell phones while they are driving. One can lose his life because he is speaking on cell phones. Why we shouldn’t speak while we are driving? That’s the main question of this article. Not many of us know that our brain functions differently when they have two assignments simultaneously. The cell phone is even more dangerous than drinking. All the drivers who are speaking on cell phones while they are driving have a similar behavior with those who drive drunk. They expose themselves to an enormous risk. The risk of producing a car accident is 5 times higher.


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