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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Ultimate Iphone Accessories All I Want For Christmas Wishlist

The Ultimate Iphone Accessories All I Want For Christmas Wishlist Cover If you are anything like me you are always on the look-out for that next accessory for your iPhone 3GS. That little extra that makes your iPhone unique or that enhances its features, protects it from scratches or the elements, or that just shows off your techie-leading status. With Christmas just months away i have found that family and friends starts asking what i would like for Christmas, and every year i find it just as difficult to answer, as i tend to buy what i would like as and when instead of relying on Christmas gifts to bring it to me. This year, to try and make it a bit easier not just for me, but perhaps also a few other iPhone owners out there, i have compiled a list of what i think are great accessories for my iPhone, both that i own, have tested, or want to get my hands on. As i am sure there are plenty of great iPhone accessories i have missed out on, feel free to leave a comment with your own favourites, and together we can create the ultimate iPhone accessories Christmas wishlist. And Santa, here is my list: Jaybird Freedom bluetooth headphones I have not had a chance to test these myself yet, so will have to go with the recommendation from people who have. Who would imagine it would be that hard to find a place that sells these to get a chance to test before i put my money where my mouth is and buy them myself! I love the concept of wireless headphones though, and ones that does not look like a big stick coming out of your ear like most bluetooth earpieces, and the Jaybird Freedom wireless headphones seems to be the best ones i have come across so far. Everyone says that sound quality gets compromised when you use bluetooth devices instead of traditional earphones, but then again i find wires incredibly annoying when out running or at the gym, so i'd rather have a good set of headphones to use at home, and then have these Jaybird Freedom to use out and about. The Jaybird Freedom bluetooth headset is available from Santa's helper - Amazon USA - from $119.99 iSkin Cerulean TX+RX bluetooth dock adapter I actually own these as i wanted to find an easy way to allow me to use my iPhone and iPod Touch with my Focal XS sound system without having to dock with the unit. After searching high and low i came across the Cerulean bluetooth dock adapter and place an order there and then. I find this gadget brilliantly as it allows me to use the iPhone and iPod Touch as normal, right there in my hand instead of in the dock, and i have not been able to hear any significant loss of sound quality from the Focal XS unit while using the Cerulean adapter either. In my opinion a must have gadget for anyone that already have an iPod Speaker dock or another sound system with a remote dock that is not a wireless unit. Read more about the Cerulean TX+RX bluetooth dock adapter here, or get the order in for Christmas from Amazon USA from $84, or from iWorld for $91 Gorillapod multi purpose iPhone stand Unlike other iPhone stands the Gorillapod is multifunctional as its bendable arms allows you to wrap it around pretty much anything, including the handles on your bike to allow you to use your iPhone while out biking, taking advantage of some of the many great apps out there for bikers, including GPS functionality. The Gorillapod's flexible arms rotate and bend 360 degrees allowing you to attached your iPhone to pretty much anything. It uses a strong suction cup to hold the iPhone in place, that according to tests is very reliable so very little danger of harm to your iPhone unless you get too adventurous. This one is a definite on my own Christmas wishlist this year. Grab it today at a Christmas bargain price of $17.99 from Amazon USA - $17.99 (original price $36.95) mStation Mohpie juice pack / charger for iPhone ind yourself out travelling and using your iPhone a lot, then i'm sure you have experience running low on battery, limiting how much you can play with your iPhone before you get to a place where you can charge it (happens to me all the time). The biggest curse of the iPhone is its battery life, therefore the mStation Mophie is an unfortunate necessity, but cool none the less. What is great about the mStation Mohpie is that it doubles as an extra battery and case, providing both an energy boost for your iPhone as well as a protective case, and unlike most other external extra batteries, it looks quite cool. Provide some extra juice for your iPhone this Christmas should a blizzard knock out the power in your ski cabin. Available from Amazon USA for $109.99 Altec Lansing inMotion Max iPhone speaker dock One of the latest models from this well known speaker dock supplier is the Altec Lansing inMotion Max which is fully iPhone compatible and also full of quality sound. The inMotion Max builds further on their long expertise in delivering quality portable speaker docks, as this one comes with a rechargeable battery with up to 3.5 hours of playtime, and no need to set your iPhone into flight mode before docking and listening to your tunes. You can also check out other iPhone compatible speaker docks here. The Altec Lansing can be delivered in time for Christmas even if the post office tries to stop you, thanks to Amazon UK for a very reasonable price of $150.99 (reduced from $229.99). iTunes to create free ringtones The last one on my list is a free one, but yet a great iPhone accessorie; iTunes. Apple has launched their ringtone download service through the iTunes Store as part of the iTunes 9 upgrade, but you can with a few easy steps create your own ringtones from your favourite music as you can see in this little handy guide to create free iPhone ringtones using only iTunes. I hope you have found this iPhone accessories wishlist useful for your own Christmas shopping or for providing friends and family with tips as to what you would like for Christmas. If you have come across other great iPhone accessories please share them with the rest of us by leaving a comment to this post.


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