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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Why Not Be James Bond For A While

Why Not Be James Bond For A While Cover Venikom Mobile, an iPhone and iPad application development company, today is happy to announce the release of Spy Status for Twitter 1.0 for iPhone, and iPod touch devices. Spy Status for Twitter is an app which will help you lie to your friends about your current location. This app is used by James Bond (Daniel Craig) in the newest 007 movie. Spy Status for Twitter is very simple app to use. You write your Twitter status and choose your fake location. You can be in the Alps or in the Caribbean Islands, even if you are in the nearest cafe in your hometown drinking coffee. “Why not being James Bond for some time? Why not make your friends be jealous for a moment?”, says one of the programmers of the app with a smile on his face, “We have created this app in order to help people be spies for a while. Everyone wants to be somewhere further for some time. We have made this possible only in few steps.” This iPhone app is interesting and very easy to use. You download it, write your Twitter status, choose your imaginary location on the map and post the status. It will be one tempting status on the Twitter wall.


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