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Monday, March 29, 2010

Dangerous Facts Of Cell Phones

Dangerous Facts Of Cell Phones Cover Who would think that there also are dangerous facts of cell phones? No one. But all the specialists all over the world have arrived to the conclusion that mobile phone isn’t quite benefic to the human body. They say that one should use the mobile phone only in urgent purposes and for a short period. But who of us use mobile phones only in these situations? Not many of us. We use cell phones all the time and we spend a long period of time speaking on the cell phone. Not many of us know the dangerous facts of cell phones and they use it excessively. There are a few who know these facts but there’s also another category that doesn’t care of the dangerous facts of cell phones. The specialists advice us to keep the cell phones far away from our body. It is indicated to use leather cases or one can even keep them in purses. Even if we use Handsets, the human body fells the negative waves between the ear phone and the cell phone. The cell phone’s antenna sends electromagnetically waves. They send the same type of radiations as the microwaves; the only difference is that they send a smaller quantity. The waves send by the cell phones warm the human cells and affect them in a negative way. Many people say that the cell phone can provoke cancer. Using cell phones excessively can modify the human cells. The specialists recommend to all of those under 16 years old not to use cell phones and if they use it, they should use it for short periods. If you are one of those who keep their cell phones in their pockets, you should renounce to this habbit because they can negatively affect ones’ fertility. There are many things one shouldn’t do in order to protect himself, but who knows for sure after all what is true and what isn’t. No one knows. I’ve recently heard that if you move while you are speaking on the cell phone, the radiations can rise with 1000%. The recovering period of the affected cells can vary from 20 minutes to 4 hours, only if during this period you won’t make another call; otherwise the recovering period will be much longer. There were made different experiments on rats which demonstrate this. Cell phones are a necessary damage. We all depend of cell phones; there isn’t a person who can leave without his cell phone. We are all addicted of cell phones but not all of us know all the risks of having a cell phone. We should be more careful with cell phones because they can provoke diseases like: leukemia, stroke and many others.


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