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Friday, June 25, 2010

Apple Has Yet To Release A Fix For The Bug

Apple Has Yet To Release A Fix For The Bug Image
A major bug has been discovered in the iPhone that leaves every iPhone at risk. Sending a single character text message gives hackers direct access to the camera, messaging app, dialer, and Safari. This hack is possible regardless of which firmware you are running or which iPhone you have. The vulnerability has been reported to Apple over a month ago, but Apple has yet to release a fix for the bug.

"The technique involves sending only one unusual text character or else a series of "invisible" messages that confuse the phone and open the door to attack. Because users won't know whose messages to block in advance, there's little iPhone owners can do but to shut off the phone immediately if they suspect they're at risk -- a real problem as the trick could also be used to make an iPhone send more messages of its own."

"Someone could pretty quickly take over every iPhone in the world with this," Miller claimed to "Forbes" on Wednesday.

You can read more about this issue here via Apple Insider.Forbes link.

Note: This is the same hack that was reported over a month ago by Charlie Miller. Miller is expected to reveal the bug tomorrow.

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