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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Iphone 4 Online Satisfaction Survey

Iphone 4 Online Satisfaction Survey Cover Apple is conducting a satisfaction survey for iPhone 4. In the survey, a questionnaire is being sent to some of the iPhone 4 users. The questionnaire contains a list of questions about iPhone 4. Each question has multiple options to choose from. In the survey various other information is asked like if the user is using any other mobile set and which brand the user considers can iPhone 4 replace. After the press conference held by Apple for the antenna issue in iPhone 4, it was not accepted completely neither denied by Apple that iPhone 4 has antenna issues. Apple has also announced to give away free cases or refund the complete amount if customer wants to return iPhone 4. Apple has also pointed that all smartphones have signal drop issues in consequence of which, companies like Samsung , RIM, HTC have issued some statement criticizing Apple’s claim. Apple has also announced in the press conference the launching of iPhone 4 in 17 other countries and White iPhone 4 shipping. Both of these will start from July 30. What can be the reasons for the survey? Is it that Apple is trying to make customers happy by building a good relationship? Or Apple is trying to find out if iPhone 4 is really good and liked by users so that Apple should not take any action on its production? Or they should think of something new now? Have you also received any survey? What do you think can be the reason for such a survey; please let us know with your useful comments.


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